[Dc] How to add a Decision Criteria?

Within mOS, you will be able to add the various criteria by which a decision to process your solution will be judged. This help file will show you all the steps to achieve this.

📝 Quick Recap

The Decision Criteria is a set of principles, guidelines and requirements which an organization uses to make a decision. You can generally define the Decision Criteria into three different types:

  • Technical – Does your solution technically meet the requirements to make it feasible for the requirements outlined?
  • Economic – Matters relating to how viable your solution is from a perspective of finance, risk and efficiency.
  • Relationship – How closely do the values and direction of the two organization’s align?

🔍 Find out more 

Adding the Decision Criteria to an opportunity:

  1. First of all, you need to select the Opportunities section on the left-hand menu.
    Access Opportunities mOS
  2. Click on the opportunity you wish to add a Decision Criteria to.
    Opportunities List mOS

  3. Click on the Dc element for this opportunity (Dc = Decision Criteria).
    Select EB mOS
  4. If you don't have any criteria listed, the screen will open for you to create one. If you already do, they will be displayed on screen and you can then click +Add Criteria to create a new one.
    Decision Criteria
  5. Give your DC a Title and a short description. You then need to choose a category, whether it's a Technical, Economic, Relationship or Uncategorized criteria.
  6. You can then choose a list of contacts for whom this particular Dc is important and the status of your criteria (whether it's suspected, confirmed or influenced).
  7. Once you're done, simply click Update.

And that's it! You've now added a Decision Criteria to your opportunity which will increase its overall score!