Andy Whyte Journal Entry #1 - Imposter Syndrome

Written by MEDDICC | Sep 17, 2024 11:27:54 AM

I've never met anyone with imposter syndrome who I didn't like, and I think I know why… 💡

Imposter syndrome happens when self-awareness and growth collide - it exists in the grey area between where you are now and your potential. 📈 It often stems from comparison.

As Mark Twain said, “Comparison is the death of joy.” Really, the only comparison you should make is with yourself from the past. 🌈✨

I once thought I'd overcome imposter syndrome as a first-time CEO. My growth had caught up with the role, but soon the role outpaced my growth 😓

But over time, I’ve learned that imposter syndrome isn't a bad thing; it's a great thing! If that uncomfortable feeling returns, it reminds me to keep pushing myself. 💪

Remember, you're right where you're supposed to be. You have unlimited potential. 💪

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