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23 Best Sales Podcasts

Written by Robin | Jan 16, 2024 11:01:27 AM

We’re often on the go in sales. Between customer meetings, deal reviews, and pipeline generation, we can struggle to find the time to dive into professional development. That’s why we see so many sales podcasts – they’re the perfect way to expand your sales acumen while keeping to your schedule. But searching ‘sales podcasts’ alone can yield hundreds, if not thousands, of results, so it can be tricky to figure out where to start. 

So, we’ve curated this list to provide you with a collection of the best sales podcasts to tune into to improve your selling in 2024.

1. Masters of MEDDICC

Hosted by MEDDICC founder and CEO, Andy Whyte, Masters of MEDDICC covers sales from all angles, with a special focus on MEDDPICC. Featuring some of the best sales professionals out there sharing their experiences, no matter what you’re looking for, there’s a Masters of MEDDICC episode for you. 

Featured episode: 

Level Up your Sales Team with Adam Quartermaine

2. 30 Minutes to President's Club Podcast 

30 Minutes to President’s Club gives its listeners straight-forward selling advice that is impactful and actionable. Hosted by Nick Cegelski and Armand Farrokh, the podcast features interviews with top sales performers and leaders, and playbook episodes where they share their own insights and strategies. No-nonsense, this podcast has a simple goal: to get you to the president’s club in 30 minutes (or less!). 

Featured episode:

Staying ahead with MEDDICC

3. The Advanced Selling Podcast 

Experienced sales trainers Bill Caskey and Bryan Neale have hosted the Advanced Selling Podcast for nearly 800 episodes, so you can trust they know a thing or two about sales. Their episodes tend to the shorter side, meaning you can quickly walk away with actionable insights, served with Bill and Bryan’s quirky approach.

Listen here.

4. No Big Deal

Currently in its second season, No Big Deal is hosted by AEs Jack Neicho and Jack Fox. They talk to salespeople across industries to talk about everything that happened behind the scenes in the biggest deals of their careers. Including an episode with MEDDICC’s own Jake Jeffries where he was hit by a bike on his way to a meeting (but we’ll let him tell you that story). 

Featured episode:

Call the MEDDICC’s, Jake’s hit in traffic while closing 6 figures in Manchester…

5. Sales Success Stories 

Scott Ingram, host of Sales Success Stories, created it for a specific reason: there weren’t enough podcasts targeted at quota-carrying individual contributors by quota-carrying individual contributors. And so he made just that! Sales Success Stories is full of long-form conversations that uncover what makes successful sales professionals successful.

Listen here.

6. The MEDMEN Show

A MEDDICC MEDIA production, MEDMEN is a podcast where CEO Andy Whyte and CRO Pim Roelofsen dive into aspects of the MEDDIC framework, and look good doing it. It’s perfect for quick and specific insights into how you can improve targeted areas of your selling with MEDDPICC.

Featured episode:

What people get wrong with Implicating the Pain

7. Sales Game Changers

The best way to master sales is by learning from those who completely changed the game! Hosted alternately by Fred Diamond and Gina Stracuzzi, the Sales Game Changers Podcast talks to top sales leaders about what brought them to where they are today. Gina also hosts specific episodes to talk about Women in Sales Leadership.

Listen here.

8. Sales Code Leadership Podcast

The clue is in the name: the Sales Code Leadership Podcast focuses on sales leadership. Host Kevin Thiele speaks to a number of revenue leaders across the technology sector to uncover what leadership means to them. With guests like author Charlene Li and the creator of the MEDDIC framework Dick Dunkel, this podcast is a must-listen for sales professionals and sales leaders alike. 

Featured episode:

Built to Last with Dick Dunkel

9. Redefining Outbound 

Brought to you by Cognism, this podcast looks at how and why B2B buying behavior has changed, and why that matters. Sales leaders from Cognism sit down with other forward-thinking sales leaders to discuss how these buying trends impact organizations across industries.

Listen here.

10. Sales Pipeline Radio

At MEDDICC, we always talk about the importance of considering the entire customer lifecycle, and the good people at Sales Pipeline Radio agree. Hosted by Matt Heinz, Sales Pipeline Radio covers the entire pipeline, from demand generation and beyond. It’s a fantastic listen for those who want to see the deal from start to finish, and even after that.

Listen here.

11. Elite Dealers

Elite Dealers is a MEDDICC MEDIA production brought to you by CRO Pim Roelofsen, where he talks with leading sales professionals across the industry where they share their best deals and what made them so special. The conversational and story-telling aspects of this podcast conveys digestible and practical insights into what takes a salesperson from good to great.

Featured episode:

The Power of a Champion with James Bissell

12. Outbound Squad 

Jason Bay, host of Outbound Squad, comes to his listeners with one promise: that he will show them how to turn complete strangers into paying customers. Among the interviews in recent episodes are short, tactics-focused mini-episodes, where in no time the listener can walk away with actionable insights. 

Listen here.

13. The Sales Evangelist 

Hosted by Donald C. Kelly, the Sales Evangelist podcast has everything new or struggling sales people might need. With five (that’s right, five!) episodes a week, the Sales Evangelist Podcast has a never-ending supply of sales knowledge just waiting for you.

Listen here.

14. Sales Gravy 

Best-selling author Jeb Blount brings you the Sales Gravy Podcast, with the aim of helping you open more doors and close bigger deals. This is a great podcast for the individual contributor. Occasionally, some of the other minds behind Sales Gravy take the mic, but their wisdom is just as valuable.

Listen here.

15. Make It Happen Mondays

On Make It Happen Mondays, John Barrows and his guests discuss personal and professional growth. Although it mainly focuses on sales, it isn’t limited to that! John has sold to clients like LinkedIn and Salesforce, so you can trust that the sales tips he provides every episode will help you level up.

Listen here.

16. Selling Made Simple 

Hosted by Will Barron, also host of the Salesman podcast, Selling Made Simple does what it says on the tin: it’s selling, made simple! This podcast features bite-size, digestible episodes that cover a wide range of sales-related topics. While Will has pivoted from longer-form podcasts, the archive of Salesman episodes are still available, including this one with MEDDICC’s own Andy Whyte! 

Featured episode:

You’re Doing Sales Qualification Wrong…

17. Sales Strategy & Enablement Podcast

Originally created by Andy Paul, the Sales Strategy & Enablement Podcast covers a variety of sales-related topics, including, but not limited to: sales engagement strategies and tactics, enablement, revenue intelligence, and much more. Currently hosted by Howard Brown and Alastair Woolcock, the podcast’s catalog of over 1100 episodes is a veritable mine of information.

Listen here.

18. The Official SaaStr Podcast 

The Official SaaStr Podcast brings the best SaaStr speakers and panelists right to your ears. With insights from a variety of people across industries in every episode, this is the perfect podcast for someone who wants to really understand the ins and outs of the competitive SaaS industry.  

Listen here.

19. B2B Growth 

While the B2B Growth podcast looks at everything from more of a marketing lens than a sales lens, it is still a valuable listen for sales professionals! Why do some tactics work when others don’t? What is grabbing your customers’ attention? Hosts James Carbary, Benni Block, and Alli Tunell bring a fresh and engaging approach to B2B marketing.

Listen here.

20. Sales Influence

Victor Antonio, host of the Sales Influence podcast, focuses on the buyer. Understanding why people buy is an essential part of sales, which is why this podcast features studies of customer behavior and neuroscience. The latest episodes of Sales Influence have been short and to the point - ideal for the sales person on the move.

Listen here.

21. Sell or Die

With over 600 episodes, Sell or Die is one of the most recommended sales podcasts out there, and with good reason! Hosts Jeffrey and Jennifer Gitomer have conversations with revenue leaders about everything B2B sales, mixing the art with the science.

Listen here.

22. The Modern Selling Podcast 

Currently its seventh season, the Modern Selling Podcast brings you experts in sales methodologies, technologies and strategies. Host Mario Martinez Jr. has lively conversations all about sales, diving into the techniques that will unlock your selling potential.

Listen here.

23. Reveal: the Revenue Intelligence podcast 

Created by Gong, Reveal is a podcast with a focus on revenue intelligence. Host Danny Wasserman talks to guests from a number of industries about how they use data to win their market. With stories not only about success, but failure too, this is especially worth a listen if you are a revenue leader looking to reach your full potential.

Listen here.

Individual contributor or sales leader, among these podcasts there is something that we guarantee is right up your alley. Happy listening!