MEDMEN: Jessica Walker

Written by MEDDICC | Aug 29, 2024 12:42:20 PM

A recurring theme at MEDMEN studios is the power of MEDDPICC as a common language across the whole Go to Market team.

So, it was about time we walked the walk as well as talking the talk, and show how marketing can use MEDDPICC to communicate with sales, product, and the wider team at large.

As Andy puts it: when sales and marketing speak the same language, they’re working from the same dataset.  

Jessica explains the impact MEDDPICC can have for marketing teams, and in particular how using Metrics has transformed the way she approaches use-cases, because the value provided is made much more concrete.

If you have any questions, or any suggestions of what you’d like to see the MEDMEN cover next, make sure to comment below!

Until next time - cheers!