6. Integration Logs

Syncing between Salesforce and mOS can sometimes fail due to validation or rule errors. For example, mOS requires that all contacts have an email address, while this is not always the case in Salesforce.

If you notice that something is not syncing as expected, you can check the MOS_ErrorMsg column to see what errors are being thrown. This information can be used to resolve the issue by updating the contact in Salesforce or by sharing it with the mOS team for assistance.

Access mOS Integration Logs Page 

  1. Go to App Launcher in Salesforce
    Integration Logs 1

  2. Type mOS Integration Logs in the top search bar
    Integration Logs 2
  3.  The mOS Integration Logs tab will now be opened for users to see the logs.
    Integration Logs 3

If there are any errors during a sync from Salesforce to mOS, the full error message from the mOS API will be stored in the “MOS_ErrorMsg” column.

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5. mOS Settings                                                                     7. Synch to the mOS button