3. Inviting Team Members


To start inviting team members on mOS, the Administrator can select the +Invite or Import CSV options on-screen, at the top right-hand side of the My Organization screen.Invite Users

  • + Invite

This option is perfect for inviting a handful of team members.

Simply add the user's First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Job Title and Permissions. When this is done, simply hit Invite Member.

Invite Member

  • Import CSV

This option is perfect for inviting a large number of team members.

Click on Download Sample File to access the CSV import template. After that, simply add all users onto the spreadsheet and drop it in the box on-screen. Hit Import to process the file.

Import CSVWhenever team members are added onto mOS, they will receive a confirmation email to join the organization, set up their own password and access their accounts. To find out more, click here.

  • Deactivating Team Members

The same way the Administrator adds users, they can also deactivate them. Simply click on the Billing Status dropdown and select Deactivate for the selected user.

Deactivate Users

You can then easily identify Active and Inactive users on the top part of the screen.


The Administrator will only be able to unassign courses and free up a license if the progress is less than 10% (as per our Terms and Conditions) as we would otherwise consider this license as used.

Note: if the account Administrator doesn't need access to courses, simply untick them and that means their license can be reallocated to another team member!

Creating Teams and Regions

Sometimes, you might want to gather your team members into Regions and Teams especially to get more specific progress reports. To do this, simply select My Organization > Teams Regions on the left-hand side bar.

  • + Add New Region

Click on the blue button to create a new region then add the Region Name. After that, hit Save Region.

The new region will show on-screen and you will be able to create new teams for it!

  • + Add New Team

Click on the blue button to create a new team, select the Region attached to that team and the Team Name. After that, hit Save team.

To assign team members to relevant teams, simply select them using the dropdown:

Choose Team

Alternatively, if you want to assign teams to multiple users you can do select them and use the Bulk Team Assign option:

Bulk Team ASsign

You will be able to generate and download specific reports per region or team within mOS. To find out more about this, click here.

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2. Accessing your mOS Account                                                       4. Assigning Courses