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Introducing Value Pyramid:

Keep the focus on the customer with the Value Pyramid Program

The Value Pyramid Program is the latest offering from MEDDICC. In 70 minutes, this program will teach you everything about the Value Pyramid: what it is, why you should care, and how you can use it to align your solution to your customers' strategic goals. Not only does the program provide you with certification, it gives you the tools to level-up your selling with a focus on value proposition. 


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Why Strategic Alignment

How many times have deals been stopped in their tracks because the Champion couldn’t get approval for the initiative? No matter the value your solution brings, if it doesn’t align with your customers’ higher-level strategies and goals, the likelihood of it getting approved is uncertain. 

Strategic alignment means not just looking at your customer’s needs and the obstacles they face, but at their overarching goals. To fast-track your deals, you need to win-over the decision makers, the people who get ultimate veto power over your solution. To do that, you need to make them care. Strategic alignment is the way you make that happen and get a faster time to close.

Studies have found that buyers will pay more for a product/service from a vendor that provides a personalized buying experience. Attaching the value of your solution to your customer’s strategic priorities tailors the experience to them and highlights that the results will be felt at a macro level, not simply micro. This doesn’t just mean success in deals, but a probable increase in opportunities. 

Leveling up in customer engagements starts with strategic alignment - but how do you do it best?


Why Value Pyramid

When it comes to strategic alignment, there is no better place to start than the Value Pyramid. Just like MEDDIC, it’s used by the highest performing revenue teams to communicate value to customers. It’s a tried and tested framework that you can use to demonstrate precisely how your solution aligns with your customer’s business-wide strategies and goals. 

The Value Pyramid is proven and visually appealing, and most importantly, customers like it! It illustrates the benefits of your solution in easy to follow stages that tie it to their success at every level.

At MEDDICC, we know the challenges faced by sales professionals in our busy industry - we’ve been there! That’s how we know that combined, MEDDPICC and the Value Pyramid will take your selling to new heights. With on-demand training that’s repeatable and consistent, you can join the leagues of A-players already using the Value Pyramid in their engagements. 

We believe in the power of MEDDPICC and that’s why we built the Value Pyramid Program utilising what we know works and what our customers are already using: a common language. Designed by sales professionals for sales professionals, our Value Pyramid Program is full of real-world examples that translate from concept to reality. 


Why now

The landscape of solutions out there is vast, and the quantity of opportunities available to your customers are greater than ever before. With the amazing advances made in technology in the last decade, the complexity of those solutions has also increased. All together, these result in the cost of choosing the wrong solution to be higher, as the cost that comes with a missed opportunity could have ramifications that spread throughout the organization. 

On top of all that, customer expectations have risen due to interactions with great salespeople, just like you. To avoid being left behind, we need to continue to work hard to earn their attention and make valuable use of their time. 

Organizations have become more collaborative, so we’re no longer selling to one team. This is exciting news for the industry at large, but it means there are more stakeholders involved in decisions, more people you need to win over. 88% of decision makers want to work with salespeople who feel like trusted advisors, while 52% of customers say sales people don’t understand their needs*. The gap here presents a huge opportunity for top sales professionals to nail down strategic alignment with the Value Pyramid. Keeping your customer’s goals and strategic initiatives at the forefront will set you apart from other sellers and help you win better deals, faster.  

*Study by Forrester


How can I access Value Pyramid?


The Value Pyramid is part of MEDDICC Membership, so those who enroll in our Membership program will have automatic access.

You can also purchase access to the Value Pyramid on its own. 

Program outline

Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: The Three Whys
Part 2: The Value Pyramid
Part 4: The Process

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