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Group (8)

Our releases

  • 2024
  • 2023
  • Phoenix


  • Cannoli


  • Keef



Phoenix was a hamster known far and wide for his fluff… Some called him “The Fluffiest Hamster to Ever Exist.” If you got a good look at him, though, you’d realize he looks confused most of the time - so much going on in this big world! Never in much of a rush, he had the personality of a sloth, but he was still a sweet boy with a gentle soul. 

New Features
  • Add/delete/remove comments within the Metrics Database (powered by Liveblocks)
  • Editable M1s
  • Activity Logs
  • Improved mDB metrics navigation
  • Seamless contact creation from Champions, Economic Buyer and Stakeholder map
Date of Release

March 07, 2024

Build Number


Product Support


Cannoli is the indomitable sidekick of our Chief of Staff, Angie Paglino. She’s an affectionate and friendly girl, and loves all people and fellow dogs. Obsessed with tennis balls, she’s energetic and athletic - prepared for every kind of game. She’s smarter and faster than your average bulldog, but she’s also a bit of a scallywag.

New Features

Launch of the Value Pyramid Program, MEDDICC Membership and Individual Memberships.

Date of Release

February 19, 2024

Build Number

Product Support


When Keef isn’t causing trouble in our CTO’s office, he loves sunbathing and chasing the hose. While he’ll run as fast as he can from a bath, don’t let that fool you into thinking he enjoys actual walks. He much prefers playing ball and getting as many treats and belly rubs as possible, especially after he is taken to the vet or if there’s thunder.

New Features
  • Launched Metrics Database (mDB) 
  • Ability to create M1 metrics within the Metrics Database
  • Archive/Delete Metrics
  • Attach an M1 to an Opportunity
  • New layouts applied to navigation and header
Date of Release

January 04, 2024

Build Number


Product Support

Metrics Database

  • Marble



Marble was a loud boy who knew what he wanted. He would always announce his presence, so you couldn’t miss him, and if you moved his toy, he would make his unhappiness known (loudly). He loved steak, and if he needed to cry to get it, well, that was what he had to do. But he was generally a pretty relaxed cat - he loved to catch birds on TV, but not so much in real life, and could sleep for the nation. 

New Features
  • Password reset flow
  • New account creation process
  • Login page edits
Date of Release

October 25, 2023

Build Number


Product Support

mOS Registration

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