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Better With MEDDIC
Pim Roelofsen 4 min
Pim Roelofsen 13 August 2024

Better With MEDDIC


Last month, we recorded a podcast with three individuals, in English.

For 2 out of the 3 individuals - this was not their first language. In my mind I fantasized about the scenario in which we would each just speak our native tongue - this would have made the conversation we had impossible.

So, probably good that we stuck with English.

In my next meeting, I was speaking with the SVP of Sales of a 700-person company, with an impressive track-record, and experience with most of the methodologies we've seen in our industry over the last 20 years.

As he explained how they do qualification, value messaging, use Value Pyramids, run BVAs and the 3 Whys, two observations came to mind;

- These are all powerful individually - as we know
- The language used is different for all of them

Having shared these observations, I was told that I was correct. He mentioned that the Decision Criteria element within MEDDPICC is essentially similar to something they'd use for Value Messaging, but it had a different name: Required Capabilities.

In our industry, as we scale teams - time-to-attainment, the time it takes for new reps to deliver results - is a massive measure for Sr. Revenue Leaders and even CFOs. With that in mind, consider the level of experience, time, and space that you are unconsciously expecting from new team members if the language used for various parts of your playbook is different every time.

Now, small disclaimer first: I'm biased.
The thing with all of the above is this:

MEDDPICC as a Common Language empowers the full GTM team to unite themselves around their customer’s full lifecycle.

Instead, imagine the concepts mentioned above if they were underpinned with the same common language…now someone new coming in to your team will be able to:

A. Learn the common language and the concepts your playbook has wrapped in it
B. Dramatically improve not just ramp time*, but time-to-attainment 

But, MEDDIC (et all) is just qualification, right?
Yo, 1999 called - they want their Blackberry back!

Like everything, our industry is constantly evolving - a lot of great approaches to Go-To-Market execution come with that. This is the same with everything, it only remains limited  if you keep a closed mindset to it.

In 25+ years, MEDDIC has seen significant innovation (for those open to it). Today, MEDDPICC can be like the latest iteration of the iPhone, capable of things the original creators couldn’t have imagined — but only if you embed it as such.

Distinctions to reflect on:

Blackberry or iPhone?
Just Qualification or Common Language?
Sales team or Full GTM team?
Selling Only or Full Customer Lifecycle?
Limited or Full Potential?

- Win the day, week, quarter and FY


*The average ramp time for an Account Executive in our industry is 5.3 months.

Pim Roelofsen

Pim Roelofsen

Pim Roelofsen is CRO at MEDDICC. He is based in MEDDICC Towersch in the Netherlands.

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