In a world where face-to-face meetings are becoming a rarity, how do you build champions virtually within the MEDDIC framework? The answer lies in strategic identification, development, and testing.
Developing and leveraging Champions has always been a core component of MEDDIC. But how does this process adapt to a virtual setting? Dick Dunkel, the creator of MEDDIC, offers invaluable insights into this modern challenge.
Identifying Virtual Champions
The first step in building a virtual Champion is identification. Dick suggests starting by identifying the Economic Buyer (EB) and then working backward to find potential champions. These are the people who are likely to have a vested interest in the value your solution delivers, and they have access to the executive you suspect would be your Economic Buyer. This is prospecting with intent. Experienced sellers know that the person hosting you in a virtual meeting is likely not your champion but could be a coach. Another effective technique is to ask challenging questions during Zoom meetings that would prompt the audience to look to the leader for answers. This is what we call "prospecting with intent."
Key Questions to Ask:
"Can you share some insights into your business's current challenges?"
"Who in the senior leadership would be most interested in our solution?"
"How does your company stand in comparison to marketplace competitors?"
"Can you tell me about a past project that was a resounding success?"
Experienced sellers know that the person hosting you in a virtual meeting is likely not your champion but could be a coach. Another effective technique is to ask challenging questions during Zoom meetings that prompt the audience to look to the leader for answers.
Developing Virtual Champions
Once you've identified a potential champion, the next step is development. There is a strong need to invest time and effort to fully educate this individual about your solution and your business. The champion needs to believe in you, your solution, and your company. Even though you’re meeting virtually, the 1:1 time you spend developing your Champion, allows you to share more personal information that wouldn’t be shared in a group setting. Find time with your Champion to prepare for and debrief from key online (or in-person meetings). These are great opportunities to strategize and develop your relationship.
Strategies for Development:
Schedule one-on-one virtual coffee meetings to discuss the project in detail.
Prepare for and debrief from key online (or in-person) meetings together.
Share exclusive insights or early releases related to your solution.
These are excellent opportunities to strategize and develop your relationship.
Testing Virtual Champions
The final step is testing. A true champion will not only assist you but will also impact all other elements of MEDDPICC, from identifying metrics to gaining access to the economic buyer to influencing and securing the decision criteria to strategizing against the competition.
Dick says: "In virtual selling, Champion development is still about personal interactions, education, and building trust. It's the time spent together before and after important online meetings. It's the ad hoc conversations about the value story you're building together and overcoming challenges."
Building champions virtually within the MEDDIC framework is not just possible; it's essential in today's digital age. By following Dunkel's advice on identification, development, and testing, you can successfully navigate the challenges of virtual selling.
Q. How do you identify a virtual champion?
A. Start by identifying the likely or potential Economic Buyer and then work backward to find potential champions. Use strategic questioning during virtual meetings to gauge leadership dynamics.
Q. How can you develop a virtual champion?
A. Invest time and effort in educating the potential champion about your solution and your business. Build trust and make them believe in you and your offering.
Q. How do you test a virtual champion?
A. Ask for their help in preparing for important calls and debriefing afterward. A true champion will assist you and impact every other element of MEDDPICC.